Friday, November 9, 2012

Book Project #2 Part1

Title: The Tale of Despereaux
Author: Jamie Michalak

Character List: Andre, Antoinette, Boldo, Boticelli, Princess Pea, Despereaux, furlough, Gregory, Lester,
Mayor, Queen, Teacher, Roscuro, and Town Crier.

Setting: Inside the castle, in the dungeon, the kitchen, the princess' bedroom, and the library.

Summary of First section: A mouse is in love with music,stories, and a princess named Pea. Its basically also the story of a rat named Roscuro, who he lives inside the darkest and creepy world filled with light. Its even the story of Miggery Sow, a slow-witted serving girl who she wants a simple, impossible wish.

What I think of the book: The book is amazing and interesting to read it more often.

Predictions of Middle & End: In the middle, I think that its Miggery Sow's birthday and they don't celebrate it for her. In the end, I think that the characters live happily ever after.